Friday, March 15, 2013

Our SHS Subculture

I am a part of a subculture because of the school I go to, which is very different than any other high school. Our material culture looks like the baby mobile in the point, the revolving PAC, and the six-fingered Patriot. Some mores at my school are that students travel between classes and walk on the right side of the hallway. A folkway at my school is that you should not walk on the Patriot. Some unique language at my high school is the PAC, point, link, and ILC.
By thinking about all these values that are only at my school, I realize they do really separate us from other schools and they greatly shape who we are as students who attend my high school.
One big subculture that I am a part of is gymnastics. Most gymnasts go to practice everyday, wear a ponytail or bun, start practice with their leotard half way on and have a t-shirt over it, know how to do a backflip, have frequent mental blocks, and are respectful to their coaches. If I talked to almost any gymnast, even if I had not known them before, we could talk about the many similarities in our lives because we are both gymnasts.
The revolving PAC at my school

Sunday, March 10, 2013

G-d Grew Tired of Us

In class this week, we watched a movie called "G-d Grew Tired of Us", which is about a group of young men, called "The Lost Boys", who are Sudanese refugees who were chosen to go to America to start new lifes here. They were given an apartment and got jobs and learned about how we live here in America. This movie helped me realize many culture differences, as the young men were learning as well. By living in America, I am like a fish who cannot see the water I am swimming in; it is all I know. Many things we do here are very different from what The Lost Boys are used to, but I do not see what we do here, like all our processed foods, our lonely way of living, etc, as weird or different because that is what I've grown up with my whole life.