Thursday, April 18, 2013


In class this week, we watched videos and talked about masculinity. Because masculinity is such a huge part of people's lives, it is also causing problems. Almost every school shooting since 1982 was by a straight male student who was bullied for being seen as weak or gay. These students were bullied about this to the point where they saw their only way to prove their masculinity is by bringing a gun to school and shooting people to feel stronger and superior to the other students. By having a weapon, the other students who were the bullies now feared these students, which is what they want, using the gun to show their masculinity and strength.
Masculinity is really getting to be a problem. Starting from when kids are little, it is shown in their toys, with boys toys being more "masculine" than girl toys and it is almost frowned upon for a boy to play with what is seen as a girl's toy.
This issue is also seen in abusive relationships. Almost all of the abusers in a relationship are males because they feel they must show their masculinity while the female has to step back and let the male be in control.

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