Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gang Leader for a Day

Last week, we read an interesting piece from the book Gang Leader for a Day, where an Indian sociologist tried to study poor African American neighborhoods and learned a lot in ways he hadn't imagines he would. Instead of learning through surveying many different people, he got close with one specific group of people and learned their story. At first, he was intimidated by them, but by the end he felt comfortable and voluntarily went to hang out with these men. This type of research is important because one must live in a way that the people live whom they are learning about so they can see life how these people live it everyday. A survey of many people also is important so that one also see the group as a whole and study trends within the group. If you wanted to choose which school to send your kid to, I would suggest both types of studies. I would talk to, and get to know, kids from various groups, such as jocks if your student is an athlete, but I would also look at statistics of the school as a whole.


  1. I really liked how you added in the part of surveying jocks if your student is an athlete since you are an athlete yourself.

  2. I agree that if you want to know someone better you can't just get to impretion of him because of how he looks, or where he lives you should hang around a little bite and see the life from his prospective and just than you can decide if it will work between you and him.
