Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Social Construction of Reality

In class last week, we watched A Bronx Tale. The Bronx in the 60's was socially constructed much differently than neighborhoods than I am used to, living in the suburbs of Chicago. Each gang had their own territory and should they cross into another gang's area, trouble would rise, as did in the crime scene on the street, which Calogero witnessed when he was 9 years old.
One unwritten rule that govern how you can or can't act would be that black people and white people are meant to hate eachother and should stay in their own neighborhoods without socializing with the other. This may have come about when the black population in New York grew, which was a change for the white people and they were unhappy with the change so they decided to hate the blacks because of it. These racist attitudes came about all over the US around this time.
Another unwritten rule is stay out of Sonny's way. If you do something that bothers him, you will be on his bad side, and he might just kill you, so it is smarter to be friendly with him and make sure to stay out of trouble with Sonny.
One sociallly constructed idea that I beleive is that you should always respect your elders. It is not written anywhere that you must do so, it is out of respect to them, as they are usually much wiser and have been through more life situations than you have.

"Sonny had five fingers, but he only used 'tree' " 

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