Thursday, May 23, 2013


This week in class, we watched the movie Crash; it showed the racial tensions between people. The movie showed how people of different races are stereotyped in many situations. Some of this was very shocking for me as because I come from a mainly white upper class area where I don't see much of these racial issues first hand.
Some of the ways people in Crash were stereotyped is by the color of their skin, accents that they had, and where they appeared to have come from.
Something I found very interesting and surprising is that a young police officer was very against racial stereotyping and discrimination, so much that he put his job on the line so that he wouldn't have to ride in a patrol car with a racist partner. He was outwardly accepting of people, especially black people, but he ended up feeling threatened by a black man, he was giving a ride to, who was reaching in his pocket to pull something out, and the officer ended up shooting the man. It turns out the black man was pulling out St. Christopher to show he had the same one as the officer had in his car.
Officer Ryan, the young officer's partner in the beginning of the movie, was very racist. He pulled over a car, for no real reason, with a black couple in it. He molested the woman. Near the end of the movie, him and his new officer were the first on site of a crash, where the driver of the car flipped over was that woman he had previously molested. The car ended up catching on fire and after his partner pulled him out of the burning car, he risked his life to go back in and save the woman.
This movie is full of irony of people who's views on racism dramatically change throughout the movie. I really enjoyed watching the movie so I could see how much people's lives are filled with racism.

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