Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why We Are Where We Are

Many people blame poor people for being poor. In class, we did a simulation of social class using the game, Monopoly, with a little twist. Each person was randomly (by rolling dice) assigned to a social class, which is what social class they are born into. The lower classes get less money to start with and get only a little money when passing GO, while the upper classes start with a lot of money, multiple properties, and receive a lot of money when passing GO. As the rounds went on, the upper class people got more and more money, while the lower class people kept paying money and didn't end up with very much. Nobody was able to change their social status because of the benifits the upper classes had and the limitations the lower classes had.
This simulation shows that people don't have a choice in the social class they are born into, and it is very difficult to move up even one social class throughout a lifetime.

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